No really. I just made a one-way, cross-country road trip in search of better health & living environment, fresh produce year round, an active lifestyle, overall well-being, and finally, a place to call HOME! After months of planning and hard work, my mother and I made it to the desert of Sunny California! (I could not have done it without her! She's been my best friend since I was a kid and through the roughest times in my life, she's been my rock. I wouldn't be here without her! I love you Mom! <3) Yes, it's hot, hot, hot, here but the lack of humidity, and steady barometric pressure have already shown improvement in both of our bodies! My allergies, for one, are immensely better with the lack of mold/humidity and grasses.
For whatever reason, I was always sick as a child, and ended up with many random chronic illnesses that numerous specialists throughout my life have been unable to "fix". I've been labled, "Damaged Goods", "Guinea Pig", "Depressed", "lazy" and my favorite, despite the proof of all of the lab tests, etc., "Hypochondriac". I get a lot of "But you're so young and beautiful, so you must be fine!" When in reality, there are hundreds of invisible things going horribly wrong inside of my body at any given minute that I'm unaware of. So, instead of moping around feeling sorry for myself, it's well time that I take things into my OWN hands and get back to the basics. =) **** See Note
You. Are. What. You. Eat.
We've all said it at least one hundred times, jokingly. Now STOP for a moment, and think about it. You are what you eat. When you eat a big greasy double cheeseburger with bacon 3 times a week, what results can you expect? Are we lit'rally going to sprout a tail and squished up nose over night? Mmm, I may have seen it in a movie, but I doubt it.
The point is, it all weighs down to science. How many calories are we consuming, and how many calories are we burning? Are the calories that we're consuming actually fueling our bodies and building muscles and tissues and cells? Did you know there is actually good fat and bad fat? We also need protein, vitamins and carbs! Are we consuming enough (or TOO MUCH) to energize our minds and bodies for our unique, and individual daily lifestyles tasks? These are all questions you'll want to ask when you meet with a dietitian or nutritionist.
There is so much truth behind those five little words, that it's not even funny anymore, especially when you're dealing with an illness or several chronic illnesses. Fun fact: Chronic illnesses like to travel in herds, kind of like sheep, but often times they don't like to let you sleep. ;) =P
Before I put anything in my mouth, I make a conscious decision to ask myself, will this make me feel worse, or will this make me feel "okay". I've yet to find anything (not fresh, raw, or whole) that doesn't immediately make me sick. (But that's what I'm working on.) I have a lot of food allergies that I'm aiming to eliminate with my new lifestyle! (Please note, this cannot be a fad or a trend, it has to be a lifestyle change.) I fear the most difficult part will be peer pressure from others near me tempting me to eat very unhealthy food. Of course that choice is mine to make. I am a grown woman, so the consequences are also mine to suffer. Like the day I had pizza about two weeks ago. I was physically ill for about 3 days afterwards. My entire body ached in agony. I was mentally agitated, and angry (I'll just go ahead and say it, I was a complete b***h!) It's true, food allergies, completely wreak havoc on your system, physically, AND mentally. It's no joke.
I could talk for hours on why people should never eat certain foods..., artificial sweeteners, diet & sugar-free produccts. I will not argue with you over this controversial topic. Yes I'm serious. I am Anti-diet-everything. Anti-Sugar-Free-Everything. Anti-hey-it's-in-a-package-and-expires-in-30-years-coooool!
Alas, here I am...on a mission to combat this vicious circle and get healthy!
Won't you join me on my journey of a lifetime while I conquer Operation: Road to Recovery?
Allons-y! (Let's Go!)
****Please note, I am not a doctor nor should you take anything I say or do as medical advice! Stopping any medications without consent from your doctors is very dangerous to your health! I am simply advocating eating (much) healthier! I need my meds to be able to physically stand or else my blood pressure gets too low, I black out.
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