Saturday, June 23, 2012

11:00 AM Revelation. =O

I woke up salivating to the delicious aroma of Banana bread that of course, I cannot eat. (Allergic to many ingredients, most severely EGGS).

So I made the right decision and whipped up this bad boy. I threw in some extra fruit for an enjoyable treat. I think my taste-buds deserve a break from the earthy flavors for a bit. I must admit I have not been faithfully "juicing" every meal. Nor have I given up meat or dairy completely yet. It is in my future though. I strongly believe it will be a huge contributing factor to how I feel in the long run. A full detox is what MY body needs.

1/2 Kale, 1/2 Pear, 5 Cherries, 2 Pineapple Chunks
1/2 Cucumber, Ice
Variable 1-10 Then High til Juice!
Serve over Ice 
I am however making even smarter choices and leaving off the condiments (moreso than medically necessary in the past). Past dietary restrictions have made me give up so many things. I have changed my diet drastically years ago by cutting out sweets, soda, anything containing HFCS (high fructose corn syrup),  anything low calorie, (My known food allergies include: Most all, especially whole and popped Eggs, Corn, Soy, and Wheat in moderation.) I cannot tolerate anything artificial, or artificial sweeteners. I strongly believe they are poison.

I have many strong feelings about many topics. If we were meant to eat artificial products, we might as well chew on some plastic and call it a day, eh? No, we were meant to eat from the earth. And that's what I'm aiming to train my body to do. To live like our ancestors did. What the heck did cavemen eat? Nuts and berries, of course! Not packaged ho-hos and chips and frozen dinners. What the heck is a french fry?! (A grease-covered-unhealthy-piece-of.......?)

Let us nourish our bodies, because our bodies want us to succeed. My body is fighting itself, because it loves me so much it wants to cure itself. least that's what I like to think. Autoimmune diseases are silly; I have a love/hate relationship with my body. ;) I'm beginning to love it, because I'm beginning to understand what it needs to function properly!

Before I put something in my mouth, I say to myself, "Is this going to heal me, or is this going to hurt me?"

Let me leave you with this food for thought:
Could you be suffering from some sort of food allergy or intolerance that you may be unaware of? It's quite possible. Is there some aspect of your life that you'd like to improve? I have strong belief that it can be drastically improved by changing your diet.

Feel free to comment below =)

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