Friday, February 27, 2015

Itty bitty update!

Many of my posts begin in a similar fashion. 

So, it's been a while... 

Just over a year ago, I began the next part of my healing journey treating my Lyme Disease. Wow, that seems unreal. Time has flown by, yet, seems to be standing ever so still. 

I had an appointment with my LLMD this week! It went really well. I'm on the right path and doing all the right things! I just have to stick with it and add in some more things to really hit Babesia hard. 

It's important to note that coinfections have to be treated before Lyme can be addressed. It's sort of like a game of hide and seek with evil bugs. Some come out when others go away, and some stay in hiding until the others have been captured (dead).

Common coinfections of Lyme Disease chart borrowed from

Anyway, I'm really wiped out and can't think of anything else to write right now. 

Be well! <3