Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Best Muffins

When it comes to muffins, I tend to think that I can't possibly screw them up! But, I'm going for perfection, here. This is batch #3? Within the last week and by far the best! The others were good, but were just not up to my muffin standards. (I ate them anyway, obviously!)

So, I went back to the muffin board, and got my creative juices flowing...I was hungry, and needed sustenance. And fast! I threw a bunch of stuff in the bowls and into the oven, and this is roughly what I came up with! Anyone care to trial these for me?

*Table is bigger than tea ;)

Preheat oven to 350°F, make sure your rack is in the middle of the oven- it's easier to move when cool.

In 1 medium-large mixing bowl, combine and mash with fork: (no mixers/blenders, etc are used in the making of muffins!)

2 bananas frozen/thawed mushed
2 cups? Cooked Pumpkin (Thawed)- I have a bunch already cut and cooked in the freezer from my Halloween pumpkin massacre.
**4oz? Unsweetened, all natural Applesauce (1 tiny tub)
**2t Chia gel (I usually have a jar in the fridge of pre-soaked chias gelling for future culinary use)
1/2t Vanilla extract (I've tried it without, but it's better with.)
**1 1/2T Vinegar (*big T!) (add to bowl last)

In 2nd medium sized bowl, combine:

1 3/4c all purpose Gluten Free baking flour. (I used Bob's Red Mill-and boy, I didn't realize how pricey this stuff was! I used to bake a lot, gluten-style. But GF baking is semi-new to me.)
1/4 - 1/2c Brown sugar (Can absolutely sub for your fav sugar/sweetener. I've been meaning to buy maple, but I just don't know which kind to buy, and I don't bake or use sweeteners (sugar) very often.)
1T Raw sugar -Turbinado (Same as above, your preference- it's what I had on hand.)
1T Baking Soda
1t Baking Powder
1/8t Salt
2t Cinnamon

Dump dry ingredients into wet ingredient bowl, and lightly combine with fork just until moist. Too much stirring can cause TMF. (Total Muffin Failure.)

Fork into muffin pans, (batter should be forkably thick- do not want runny muffins!) I don't use paper muffin liners‎, because they seem to come out of the pan just fine without. GO GREEN!

Makes 18 small/med sized muffins.

Bake at 350°F on middle preheated oven rack for 15-20 min until browned on top. Middle may still be a bit moist-That's OK because we didn't use any eggs! 
Best when cooled! You may not think they're cooked all the way, but once they're cooled, they are! 

**Secret ingredients. These are pretty much necessary to substitute for the Almighty Egg. They're a secret because people will not believe ‎they're inside! You can't even taste them. =D But, you'll know, and you can giggle when your friends/relatives exclaim with delight how fantastic these VEGAN GLUTEN FREE BANANA PUMPKIN SPICE MUFFINS are!

P.S. The stumps are just as delicious as the muffin tops

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

This, that, and my life as a car

Today was the day. December 18. 2013. The day my life was going to change. Or so I thought. I've had an appointment scheduled with a LLMD for about 4 months now. 

This led to that, and complications with insurance, and delays with current doctors, loose ends needing tied up- all of this forced me to have to wait to see the specialist. A moment I have been dreaming about, yes, seriously, for probably about my whole life.

‎The way I think of it is this: I've waited this long for answers, I can absolutely survive another month. Who knows, there might be someone who needed this appointment more than I do, and it might just be their Holiday miracle. It also gives me more time to detox my poor lil ol' body. 

Since I can remember, I have always had something wrong with my body. I was always sick. Something *always* hurt. It wasn't always the same thing, almost like my body was on rotation, which was almost somehow worse. Having to explain that while, yesterday I could not use my right wrist at all, today, however it is my left wrist that is unbearably painful. Swap out "wrist" with any imaginable body part, and on a daily basis, this is how the story goes. 

Pain is really only a part of my problems. ‎I am afflicted with a terrible brain, that supposedly checks out just fine. Wanna hear a little secret? Well, the things that are often unseen are sometimes the most fun, and ironically, present the most problems. *ahem*

My autonomic nervous system (the thermostat of the body, that controls every body function that you're unaware of) is WHACKED.

Imagine, if you will, a vehicle that is stuck in 1st gear while going up a steep incline. You let off the accelerator, while simultaneously feathering the clutch, but something is not right. Something is out of sync and you stall out. You start to roll backwards at an incredibly frightening speed. You start to panic, your heart is pounding out of your chest, while racing at speeds faster than your body is going. You're quickly losing altitude, and gaining even more speed, but in the wrong direction! You start sweating. Nausea kicks in at the most inopportune moment. You think, well, "I'll just hit the accelerator even more..that'll help!" It doesn't. It makes it worse. You're already past the point of rescue. So. You slam on the brakes. It's the only option until you'll eventually and inevitably crash and burn. Then, you have to begin again. Very, very slowly. Even slower than you had begun the last time, because your engine is damaged and you must take care of it until it's on the mend. In 1st gear, again, you try to climb the mountain that is life. Eventually, you may make it to the top of an incline, a plateau, where you're unable to continue ahead, less you free-fall into the abyss. This. This, is your time to acknowledge how far you've come. To assess the damages. To appreciate what is around you. Take it all in, for you do not know if you will make it up the next climb. Take the necessary rest, and prepare for the next part of the journey of Operation: Road to Recovery. 

I never thought I would be the Stinky Girl

‎‎Ok guys. I am disgustingly drenched in the pungent aroma of Eau de Garlique. It is equally embarrassing and nauseatingly gross. 

Fortunately, my chronic life doesn't require (or provide me with) much social interaction.

Also, on the not so horrible side, Mom loves garlic, and says she doesn't mind the smell. However, I cannot get over it. I reek. Imagine old school cartoons with the overly dramatic stench lines. Yup. That's me! The Stinky Girl. It's not your typical "BO", it is flat out Garlic, and a lot of it. (Despite forcing myself to shower/bathe every night!)

But, you know what I have to say to that? Oh well. I'm doing what's good for my body, and that's all that matters. I gotta do something proactive, rather than nothing!

Garlic is a natural antiseptic and antibiotic. It helps to cleanse and detox the nasties from inside. (Plus many more benefits.) Along with consuming at least one clove of garlic every day (gotta work the way up to more),‎ I drink warm lemon water immediately after waking, and throughout the day. I also do Alka-Seltzer Gold (with a bit of lemon juice) usually once a day in the evening. 

I am not following any protocol, and am currently not under the care of a supervision, but these are the most common mild, seemingly safe detox approaches I have researched. 

Along with the garlic, lemon, and Alka-Seltzer GOLD (only kind that is recommended), I alternate days with either a FIR Sauna (then shower), or Epsom salt bath. 

Theoretically, I should be detoxing like a mo-fo, but alas, I still feel shittay! I'm not saying it‎'s not helping, but I know I need to do more. Theoretically, what I imagine is happening inside my body is this:

I'm doing my darndest to detox, detox, detox, and I might be getting rid of toxins and bad bugs, but logically doesn't it seem like I am just making room for more bugs? I'm pretty sure that's how it works. 

So, I am more than anxious/excited to get started with some sort of treatment right away. 

The flipside, I could *not* be detoxing, and the bugs will somehow find a way to continue to spread, etc. So, I am confident that I am doing more good than harm at this point. I will continue to detox to the best of my body's ability, until mid-late January when I see the LLMD for my first appointment! (FINALLY!)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

I can't believe I would ever be wheelchair shopping

A few months ago, when walking/standing got to be unbearable/ very limited, I reluctantly (and I mean took me a while through tears to talk to my mom about a wheelchair) went to my (very narrow minded) rheumatologist about how painful it is to walk and stand. It takes me a bit to cry in front of people, doctors included, but she brought me to tears. She turned it around on me and made it seem like I was giving up and that it would make things worse by relying on it? I understand it to a point, but I. Am. Miserable. 
She then brushed me off and shoved me on my way with a RX for vicodin. (I have never taken narcotics before and stressed through tears that I did not want them.) I begged for her help and she denied me of any compassion or assistance. SHE gave up. I did not. I am beginning a new journey and if I'm ever going to make it out alive and healthy, I need to be able to get out of my house and bed. Not for fun. For the necessities. Appointments, grocery shopping, and getting the mail. WOOT!

This won't be permanent for me, I'm determined to that. But sometimes we all need a little help, right? (Even if for some reason it is long-term or permanent, that wouldn't be so bad. I could do more than I can right now, and at least I'd be able to gain some sort of independence!) Anyone seen the Sundance series called Push Girls? I highly recommend it for a glimpse into a wheeled life. It's on Netflix, and has completely changed the way I view wheeled individuals. 

My QUESTION to you is do you use a chair, and/or can you recommend a fairly inexpensive, reliable, comfortable (and possibly cute? I'm in my 20s, and would rather try to get some enjoyment out of life's little obstacles-or I can decorate it.) chair that I can purchase online? I am a frequent Amazonian and have been browsing, but I feel I need to just. do. it. And soon. 

If you were able to read this, I thank you and applaud you. I sincerely hope you can't give me any advice because I hope you aren't in this situation. But I thought I'd ask! 

Take care of yourselves! =)

Friday, November 22, 2013

*Sensitive Subject*

I will not be “participating in Christmas”. I believe in sharing love year-round, sans presents.

I would much prefer to share small acts of random kindness with strangers who might feel so inclined to do the same for others.

In order for me to be able to interact with live people, it is essential to be able to leave the house/bed/recliner. After months of dreading, and toying with the idea…
I am, however, asking Santa for a wheelchair…or the ability to not need one. Or a new body, whichever comes first. ;) Aside from horrible, unbearable joint and muscle pain causing waxing and waning mobility issues, standing is proving to be quite difficult without nearly passing out. I’ve got plenty of issues, and I am working on them, but it proves to be quite difficult from the inside of my home. I don’t want to be “that girl” but I will be, if it helps me to regain some sort of independence and normalcy to the life that I yearn to live!

I ask not, for your pity, sympathy, or judgement, but your love, understanding, and support. –Not only for myself, but for others who may be in similar situations who may not *look* sick. Our bodies are a strange and wonderful thing that we may never fully understand, but until then, let us love them anyway –despite so-called flaws. =)

Peace, Love, and Veggies to you all this very merry holiday season!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Starting a new journey! Wanna join?

Things have been pretty up in the air as of recent. A lot has happened, yet also a lot of nothing has happened. I feel as though my life is flying by me, while I'm standing painfully still.

My little brain has been dedicated to research and development for the past few years. (Of my body.)

I can't believe it's almost 2 years since I moved to California. That boggles my ever living soul. We are nearing our 2nd lump of holidays "on our own". Things have been far from easy, and are only going to get more difficult within the next month or so.

In a month from now I will have seen an LLMD (Lyme Literate MD) who can hopefully help put together the pieces of the crazy puzzle that is my life.

I have suspected Lyme Disease ever since I noticed a bullseye rash on my wrist in the fall of 2009. I was disregarded, brushed aside and left on my own to wither away. And I did. For a few years, until I decided to take things into my own hands.

I decided I had to step up and become my own health advocate. Since no one else could, or would. Starting with the "simple" act of eating. I'm now consciously aware of what goes into my mouth and how it will affect me, positively or negatively. I adjust accordingly. When that didn't "work", I began digging a bit deeper. The wheels were spinning and with lack of improvement, sometimes comes the ability to slow down and look back. To reconsider possibilities, and to slowly put pieces together.

Lyme Disease is one of those things you hear about and think, "well...that couldn't be me" and you go on with your life. Until you take a turn for the worse.

Most people know the "basics" of Lyme Disease, that it is something you "catch" from a tick, and is usually spread by deer in "deeply wooded areas". While that is semi-true, it is not the whole truth. Lyme Disease is the single most complex ailment I have yet to come across in my Research and Development stage.

The more I learn about Lyme Disease, the more I am flabbergasted by; not only the absolute ignorance of the layperson, but doctors as well, and the lack of credibility in our medical communities. Almost to the point that one might begin to think "They" (The Almighty, Narrow-minded They) want people to remain sick, suffering, miserable human beings, because They fail to remove their heads from their rear ends long enough to listen to people who care. People who want to make a difference, by adjusting their minds to consider all of the possibilities.

There *is* treatment available. Lots of options, all of which are much more complex than the typical "21 days of doxy, and you're good to go!" This is a raging misconception, and we must ALL be educated. Starting with healthy people. is a good place to start!

I'm hoping I won't have to try them all, but at least I'm reassured I won't run out of treatment options because I won't stop fighting. Which is why I am planning on documenting my Lyme Journey. Not only for others, but also so I know where I'm at. I can look back and see how bad I was at certain times and also to track progress! *Fingers crossed!* I have a feeling video updates might be coming sometime soon, as my brain is just not that into the whole computer and typing while looking at the blinding screen thing.

So, bare with me here. I'm sure someone will read this......someday. And that's all that matters, if even only myself in the future. =)

Monday, October 14, 2013

Easy Hazelnut Almond Butter + Bonus

‎Hazelnut Almond Butter:

I roasted about 3/4 lb raw almonds and 1/4 lb raw hazelnuts ‎at like 350F for about 20 min, stirring (mixing) halfway through. Removed the "papery skin" from the hazelnuts, and stuck the almonds and hazelnuts in the freezer for about 20 min or until cold. (This makes it easier on the Vitamix. Since its motor is powerful enough to make soup, we don't want the nuts to heat up too much.) 

Once cooled, pour nuts and sea salt, if desired, into Vitamix container and switch ON and *immediately to 10, Then HIGH speed. While using the tamper (stick thingy), put some muscle into it and mix like crazy until desired consistency. About 2 minutes, tamping throughout! 

*If you don't switch it on and immediately turn it to 10 High and tamp, I've heard it won't mix correctly. Some people have experienced a flour-like substance, which would no doubt, be delicious, but not the outcome we've expected.

Pour/spoon nut butter into airtight container, and store in refrigerator.


Before you clean your Vitamix, add these few easy ingredients for a yummmmmmy treat!

Frozen blueberries 1/4c
Frozen Red seedless Grapes 1/4c
2-3 sprigs Parsley (really ties everything together, so fresh!)
Coconut milk 1/4c
Coconut oil 2tsp
Almond Hazelnut butter (leftover after scraping blender, or add more!)
Spinach a few handfuls 
Ice 3-4 cubes

Blend to desired smoothie consistency

Oh MY, deliciousness! 

Don't forget to wash your Vitamix afterwards! ;)

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Black & White Super Chili

Onion - 1 or 2 of your choice - chopped -cook first until translucent, then add the next 14 ingredients.
Black beans - 1 or two cans (You can drain/rinse if you want, I don't.)
White beans - 1 or two cans (You can drain/rinse if you want.)
Diced tomato - largish can
Tomato Paste - tiny can
Tomato Sauce - regular can (I prefer crushed tomatoes, didn't have any.)
2 Carrots - peeled, chopped or diced
1 Celery stalk - diced
Parsley - handful fresh, finely chopped
Water - as much as there is chili. Or to top of pot. It will cook down. (I've used organic vegetable broth many times. So yummy, but didn't have any on hand.)
1 can V8 vegetable juice - (Optional, but I add it for the extra sodium and delicious flavours.)
Cayenne pepper - to taste
Chili powder - to taste
Cumin - to taste
Salt (optional as beans are salty)
Pepper - to taste
*Quinoa - 1/2c dry, I used red, regular would be good, too.
*Spinach - as much as you can chop. Or frozen is fine, too!

*Add dry quinoa near the end, about an hourish left to cook. Making sure there is enough liquid left to be absorbed. (1c or so).
-May use already cooked/leftover quinoa. Add at very end so it doesn't get mushy.

*Spinach - add at the very end! =)

Bring to boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 3-4 hours. Stirring every 10-15 min so nothing burns/sticks to the bottom. I'm sure you could use a crockpot, too!

Usually takes me about 3-4 hours.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Pesto a la pasta

 I used to eat the shiz outta pesto. I put it on anything. Pasta, NAAN, chips, bread (toast), yogurt...(Just kidding). But, seriously I would put it on a lot of nommies.

Since the switch to gluten free, vegan, etc, lifestyle, I wanted to make my own safe version. I threw a bunch of stuff into the Vitamix (no measuring) and voila! Pesto. It was pretty yummy! I will definitely experiment with other ingredients and get back to you.

2 Garlic cloves
Olive oil
Spring mix

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


So I'm discovering that basically anything is delicious with any sort of nut milk incorporated into it. I REALLY like hemp milk, but I don't often find it at a very affordable price. So....go nuts with your nut milk and throw a bunch of good stuff into your blenders and see what you can create!

Here's what I came up with

Hazelnut Milk

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Autumnkin Shake

Feeling a little autumn-y, so I decided to whip up this bad boy. Give it a try and let me know what you think?

2 heaping spoonfuls of real Pumpkin (not pie mix)
1 Fuji Apple skin on
Handful of Red Grapes
2 Handfuls Spinach
1/2 Frozen Banana
Nutmeg to taste
Cinnamon to taste
Hazelnut milk

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pumpkin fiberlicous

Care for something a little bit thicker and creamier?

Hazelnut milk

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ducking Felicious.

Cherries frozen pitted

Pineapple frozen
Banana frozen
Honeydew frozen
Grapes frozen

*Top with gelled chia

*Add a bit of chia seeds to a few ounces of water and stir. Let sit for 10-15 minutes until gelled, or in fridge over night. I don't mind the bit of "crunch" that comes with not completely gelled chia seeds. =)

Enjoy this delicious treat while soaking up the desert rays! 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Coconanadew Pudding

1 Frozen Banana
1/4 cup Honeydew
Water from 1 Coconut
A few chunks of coconut


Top with chia gel!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Can you guess what's in this "Honeyloupplum" sorbet?

H-dew - a few frozen balls
Canteloupe - 1/4 cup
Pineapple - 1/4
Plum - no pit
Chia gel

Not fast enough to snap pic. ;) Wayyyy toooo yummmmyyyy,

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ice cream

Nectarine -skin on, no pit
Pineapple -frozen
Fresh Mint leaves
Hemp milk

Topped with chia

Sunday, July 7, 2013


Seriously way too good to (not?) share.
2 tsp Chia
Hemp milk or other
6 Grapes
1 Carrot peeled
5 Cherries pitted
1/2 Frozen Banana
2 Kale leaves
Spring mix


Saturday, July 6, 2013

Quinoa Beanoa Salad

Black beans. Crushed red proper flakes. Cumin. Salt(optional). Cilantro chopped.
1/4c uncooked quinoa prepare as usual.
Juice from lemon slice
Spring mix, romaine mix, spinach

The only thing I would add is an avocado, but sadly mine aren't ripe yet!

Makes a LARGE meal!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Fourth of July!

What a deliciously, thick and creamy, dreamy way to wake up on this beautiful Fourth of July!

Here's to you!

Hemp milk
2 tsp Chia
6 Grapes
1 Carrot
1 Peach - no pit
3 chunks frozen Pineapple
1/2 frozen Banana
2-3 Kale leaves
Spring mix packed to top!
Ice if not using fruit that is frozen

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


I have so many drafts awaiting the edit/publish step. =\ I tend to go through them all together so I can make sure they're not crap. Usually, they are. I should probably keep up with things more often...though, surely no one will notice. ;)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

'D' is for...

I don't have anything exciting to say about this post, except that this is Damn Delicious.

1/2 Banana
3 Strawberries
1T Sunflower/chia bitter
Hemp milk

Thursday, June 13, 2013


1 Banana
1 Handful of Blueberries
2 tsp Flax
1 tsp Horchata powder mix (optional)
Coconut milk

I don't think the photo does this delicious concoction any justice! Mom even tried this and REALLY liked it! =)

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Black & White chili

  • 1/2 Onion chopped
  • 1 Shallot diced
  • 2T Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 box Veggie Broth
  • 28 oz can Crushed Tomatoes
  • 28 oz can Diced Tomatoes
  • 15 oz can Black Beans (I didn't drain, I need the extra sodium)
  • 15 oz can White Beans (Drained-they looked slimey)
  • 2 Carrots peeled diced
  • 1 Celery stalk diced
  • Chili powder to taste (a lot)
  • Cayenne to taste (a lot)
  • Cumin 1/2t
  • Parsley 1/8t
  • Pink himalayan salt to taste
  • Pepper to taste

*I'm not good at measurements because I just shake, shake, shake, ...shake shake, shake, ...cook, taste, repeat.

**All this junk is natural or organic to the best of my wallet's ability. =)

I've made this twice thrice now because it is just so yummy, and comforting! The second time I made this, I used 3 cans of beans! Black, white, and kidney, thinking the kidney beans would give it more of a 'chili taste', but to be honest, I preferred it 'as-is'. But, hey, don't let me stop you from experimenting! Go bean crazy!

P.S. I very rarely make it 3 days with a whole pot of chili. I tell myself, "Oh, I'll freeze some for next week, when I don't feel like cooking." Welp, that doesn't happen. Once I know it's available to nom, I NOM.


Monday, May 13, 2013



Black Bean Hummus w/ GF "Chips"
GF "Chips" w/ Guac & Salsa
So, it's been 11 days now of DetoxMay! I've been free of gluten and dairy since May 2nd and completely vegetarian since March 14, 2013, that's two months! I have to admit I definitely see this as a life-change rather than a "hip and trendy" fad. I think the main deciding factor is that I recognize the consequences I have to deal with when I make bad decisions.
Eggplant "Parmigiana" w/ GF Pasta

GF Pasta w/ Veggies & Herbs
Surprisingly, I've also recently (just today in fact) realized some positive effects of being gluten-free, dairy-free, and meat-free! (I should add that I'm also egg-free, soy-free, and corn-free for a while now.)

Here's what I've noticed throughout the past few weeks/months/year since I've changed my eating habits:

•Obvious large amounts of weight-loss (exercise included).

•*Huge* loss of bloating (face and stomach) This is a dairy thing. I have hip bones!? ...and a waist! Also, ribs/breast chest bone things?

Massive Veggie Stir-fry/Curry
•For some odd reason I've been waking up early. I'm attributing this to the lack of gluten. If you're gluten intolerant or have wheat allergies (or allergies of any sort), they physically wear your body down. Maybe now that my body is rid of gluten, dairy and meat it doesn't need as much sleep? Who knows. (I am, however, still chronically fatigued with everything else medically and physically going on, but I've been working on that as well!)

•I mentioned before that my mood directly correlates to what I eat. This continues to be proven by DetoxMay!!!

Green Smoothie

You might be wondering why I only write recipes for juices and smoothies, and if that's all I consume...Well, I'm here to tell you: I eat. A lot.

Here are a few staples in my diet as of recent.

Black bean hummus homemade chips
Stir fries
Green smoothies
Eggplant pasta
Big Salads
Lemon honey water

*My "Detox" from a wide variety of foods. I'm on the Road to Recovery!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Detox May

Detox May

1 Carrot Peeled
1 Gala Apple Peeled
1 Celery Stalk
4 Mint Leaves
2 Kale Leaves

2 Handfuls of Spinach
Handful Fro Pineapple
Handful Parsley

It's that time again. I've learned the hard way (by eating out yesterday), that I need to be gluten and dairy free. So here I am, beginning Detox May! I'm aiming for at least one ĂĽber-green smoothie/juice per day and healthy meals with no dairy, no gluten, and, of course no meat!

I know that the most difficult part will ultimately be the cravings, while also attempting to maintain a high enough blood pressure due to the POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome). Peer pressure has all ready shown to be somewhat difficult. I get feelings of guilt when someone offers "delicious food that I must try". They can't seem to understand that I'm not just being picky, or fussy, or rude, I am simply trying to heal myself by eating what I can tolerate, and avoiding what I makes me ill. UGH!

Life is all about choices. Every choice that we make, either consciously, or subconsciously, or even unconsciously, impacts our lives in numerous ways. That's the beauty of life. These choices, all of them, are up to you to choose what to do. Whether small or large, (putting an apple in my mouth, or eating pizza; climbing a mountain, or going skydiving) we can choose to do what we feel is right for  us. Sometimes when we're overwhelmed or stressed, it seems we tend to shift toward the extremes, which can possibly lead to a dangerous downward spiral. Other times, we can choose to do nothing at all, which is often worse than doing something. YEAH CHOICES! 

 My choices are my own, and I shouldn't have to justify them to anyone else or feel guilty of hurting feelings by saying "No, thank you." Right?

Friday, April 26, 2013

Poop-y Juice

Looks like poop, not poop
Golden Beet peeled
Chia seeds
Coconut oil

Not the most delicious. But fairly nutritious. I'm not a huge fan of raspberries. I think it's the seeds that get me. =\ But I know how good they are for you, and I also know a bunch of berryholics!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Way Too Good

1 gala Apple peeled
1 Carrot peeled
1 Handful Parsley
1/2 Golden Beet
1 Hefty Handful frozen Blueberries
1/4 Cucumber peeled
2 frozen Strawberries (for kicks)

There's just something about how the cucumber, parsley, and apple all come together in this heavenly juice.

Give it a whirl and let me know if you agree!

Why so serious? Fried Rice

1/4 Red Onion diced olive oil
Mint - chopped 3 leaves
Cilantro - chopped handful
Julienne style Carrot
Coconut oil
Juice from Lemon 1/4 to taste
Mango ginger chutney delicious junk
Cinnamon to taste
Salt pepper to taste

Sauté onions until translucent.
Add mint cilantro and carrots. Stir-fry 3 min on med/high. Add rice lemon mango ginger cinnamon salt and pepper and coconut oil. If needed a few tbsp water. Stir-fry. Then let brown 3 min. Stir. Let brown 3 min. Repeat until desired friedness!

Oh my yumminess!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tropically Refreshing Juice

...and beautiful! I was so thirsty/hungry I didn't even have a chance to snap a pic before I ran out the door this morning. I will admit it was a little odd for me to leave out the greens. But, I am getting my fair share of GREENS via delicious stir frys and curries. I pack 'em in there, babyy! I've been trying to eat/snack more often and enjoy smaller meals; I'm running out of ideas!

Welp, have a go at this delectable Tropically Refreshing Juice.

1/2 Golden Beet peeled
1 Carrot peeled
1/4 Cucumber peeled
1 Handful of frozen Pineapple
1 Handful of frozen Honeydew
1-2c water (I just eyeball it, like all of my recipes.) =$

Blend until liquefied.

Top with gelled Chia.

Best served over ice with a straw on a hot day! =)

Vitamix beet juice

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

33 Days.

I've been *strictly* Vegetarian for 33 days now. It doesn't seem that long, yet it seems longer at the same time. For the past year or so, my goal has been to incorporate heaps of veggies into my everyday diet, while trying to determine what makes me sick. (At the same time, cutting out the obvious "junk" and trying to be more active.) Up until now, I've gotten the veggie thing down was/is the *major* temptation of foods that I'd known and loved before, that had always made me break. So, I feel like I was never really able to "heal" properly. Now that I have a good basis of ~1 month of zero meat in my system, I can start eliminating other possible hazards from my diet, while continuing with a vegetarian lifestyle. (For the foreseeable future!)

I will admit that having a buddy who shares your eating habits makes for much easier meals, while also limiting temptation and peer pressure. Which has probably been my most difficult battle thus far. Example: Growing up I always heard, "Dude, your mom is the best cook!" ...Yeah, I know. She still is. And I'm learning to become my own "best cook", by necessity. So, when Mom makes one of those meals from my childhood that I have fond memories of (when in reality, they were probably exacerbating my symptoms and contributing to my illnesses), I'm taken back to a time of delicious comfort. Not to mention the convenience of having a meal ready to eat. UGH! I've gotten much better at this within the past ~month; "If It Has Meat, I Will Not Eat!"

Next stop: Dairy. Shouldn't be too bad, since I've been egg-free for years now. I crave cheese. =( Cheese hates me. In fact, all dairy hates me. I break out. I bloat. My migraines are intensified. I get achy(/ier).

So, yeah. Toodles, dairy!

Are there any Veggie Lovers out there?
Peace, Love & Veggies <3

Monday, April 15, 2013

Speckled StrawLeMint Sorbet

Speckled StrawLeMint Sorbet

4 cleaned frozen Strawberries
1/2 Lemon juiced
5 Mint leaves
1-2T Raw sugar
2T Chia seeds gelled (Add 1/2c water to 2T chia in separate cup. Stir. Wait ~10 min to gel. Stir.)

Add first 5 Ing. to Vitamix, blend until desired consistency. Top with Chia gel. =)
Et VoilĂ . Speckled StrawLeMint Sorbet, by yours truly!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Pretty mild and nutty

2 tsp Chia
Water/Almond Milk/Milk of your choice
2 tsp Almond butter
1 tsp Honey
3-4 Strawberries
4-5 Blueberries
2-3 handfuls Spinach