Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday: 911, Ambulance, ER

Nothing like a nice long ambulance ride to the ER with a hot paramedic who has the flu. 

Home safe in bed now. I had a very bad vasovagal attack this morning that was exacerbated by my Lyme Disease and Babesia flare, along with the worst abdominal pain I've ever experienced. 

C'mon stupid body! All we needed was to get thru the weekend to make it to Monday's appointment with the surgeon who is putting in my chest port. After that I will be able to have the necessary medications and hydration intravenously that should have been started 15-20 years ago. 

While today was a definite speed bump, it puts things into perspective and I am even more aware of when "bad" is "too bad". Life is a learning path and I'm soaking it all in. 

While yes, today royally sucked, I'm not done fighting. This is just the beginning of the rest of my life!

I got a nice change of scenery and met some wonderfully beautiful nurses, doctors and technicians. Overall, I'd say this was a rather productive Saturday. 

What did you do today?

PS have you ever had 2 IVs (tried to be) inserted while going over speed bumps? Poor guy couldn't find my ittybitty shrunken veins. 

I'd like to go into more detail later for documentation purposes, but I am just too weak and fatigued to right now. 

1 comment:

  1. drupsis (on Instagram)May 21, 2014 at 11:34 PM

    I will be following you on Instagram & on here. I was just diagnosed with POTS. I like your positive and realistic point of view.
